December Smiles Eve the December Smiles mascot

What is December Smiles?

December Smiles is a community service opportunity in which all the participants create items, whether it be scarves, food, or otherwise. These handcrafted items may be given to anyone the participant wishes, in hopes of brightening someone's day, and making them smile.

How do I participate?

The December Smiles event's official start date is [insert date here].
From then on, you will start your craft project and log the hours you worked on the project, keeping who you are dedicating the work to in mind. You will be using this form to obtain service hours. Please take a look at it before you start the project in order to make sure you can complete the form by the end of the project!
On [insert end date here] you will send the forms to [email] and [uncertain wip: wrap your project to send it to whom you wish, such as a charity or a person in need. If you are part of Hunter College High School then you can put the items in the lost in found before we leave for Christmas and New Year break to be donated.]

Click here for the project form!

Questions and Answers

I want to do more than one project!

Then just fill out one form for every project!

How do I get the signature for my form?

Email [email] and you will get the form back with the signature!

What if I don't know exactly how many hours I worked on the project?

Try to do your best to approximate. Of course we don't expect exact hours.

I'm a Hunter College High School Student, how do I receive my service hours?

Once you receive your form back with the signature, submit it to [I don't know yet, need to find out.]

What organization is this?

The organization is called "December Smiles." You wouldn't have heard of it, because it's new!

I have other questions!

Please email your questions to [email] and I'll do my best to answer them ^^