Project proposal
Thesis idea: On the color green and light and dark reflecting the impossibility of Gatsby's dream (and by extension, the dream of many others).
April 2, 2017
      The specific thesis I am exploring is the idea that light and dark reflect the impossibility of Gatsby's dream. By extension, there are many people who, like Gatsby, reach for something impossible. But the only reason their dreams are impossible is because they don't realize what their dream actually is--and because of that, they don't know how to reach it.
      The finished project will respond to the thesis by using the theme of moons in a picture-book format. The text will use the first-person to follow Gatsby's never realized dream (whatever that might be). Green will be used as a constant guide toward the goal while dark and light will represent what is undesirable and desirable according to the American dream respectively.
      My process in this was first creating drawings of many pages in an art program called SAI. Afterwards, I created a Github account and uploaded all the images I would be using onto the site. Next, I used a text editor to create html pages while Googling intensely to figure out how to format pages to make them look passably pleasing on the desktop (some pages don't show up well on the phone). Then, I used Github pages to host everything. The one huge aspect that gave me trouble (and if I work on this anymore, will give me trouble) is that this is a new art-form for me. I spent probably at least 50% of my time on Google trying to figure out how to do things. Anyway, the project's pretty much finished by now (if I wanted to, I could polish it up a bit, but it's practically done now). If I can't do this I'll write up another proposal to make a picture book for something.
If you want to see it, click below ^_^
Click me!P.S. If you reach the last page, press ESC to tie everything up.
...It's a pretty trippy picture book, now that I've gone through it again.
P.P.S. On the first page, it's a good idea to click the arrows before clicking on the "Come" link...but because this is art, it's really up to the reader how they want to explore this "picture-book."