There are many personalities, yet it's a feat to really see them.
Congratulations getting here at all!
So what is this all about? Why it's a [Puzzle]!
And here's a piece!
[Serenity] and joy and ecstasy. It's easy to see this isn't it? And yet it often seems that there is no one truly happy.
[Acceptance] and trust and admiration. I wonder when it's true and when it's fake?
[Apprehension] and fear and terror. How easily can you hide it?
[Distraction] and surprise and amazement.
[Pensiveness] and sadness and grief. How long can you hide it?
[Boredom] and disgust and loathing. Is it better to make it clear?
[Annoyance] and anger and rage. When does it burst out?
[Interest] and anticipation and vigilance. Yet sometimes even interest isn't approved of.